CybersecurityInstitute News Easy ways to stay secure online This is part one of a three part series. Cybersecurity is a growing topic of…The Mackenzie InstituteDecember 12, 2019
ArticlesCybersecurityInstitute News Filling Gaps: Cyberspace & Grey Zone Dangers The piece below is an article written by Touraj Riazi for the NATO Association of…The Mackenzie InstituteDecember 3, 2019
CybersecurityInstitute News Repost: “3 technologies that could define the next decade of cybersecurity” The excerpt below is from an article written by William Dixon for the World Economic…The InstituteJuly 8, 2019
ArticlesCybersecurityVideo May 1, 2018: Resilient Cyber Security in an Era of Technological Change Above: Vivek Khindria, Serge Bertini, Nart Villeneuve, John Menezes, Jose Sierra, Aliza Lakhani and…The InstituteMay 14, 2018
CybersecurityEventsInstitute News May 1, 2018: Resilient Cyber-Security in an Era of Technological Change Join the Mackenzie Institute for our second Breakfast Series event on May 1, 2018 from 7:15…The InstituteApril 2, 2018
CybersecurityVideo International Threats and Experiences on Cyber Resilience Above, Dr. Lindsay's and Dr. Lafti's panel presentation, moderated by Anthony Furey, at our…The InstituteDecember 8, 2016
CybersecurityRelated Readings Comparing Cyber-Relations: Russia, China, and the U.S. By Eimi Harris. (Originally published May 24, 2016 at the NATO Association. Re-printed with permission) On…The InstituteMay 25, 2016
Book ReviewsCybersecurity “Hacked Again – It Can Happen to Anyone Even a Cybersecurity Expert” It’s unusual to have a cyber-security expert talk about how his company was hacked. Yet,…Shawna CoxonMay 11, 2016
Book ReviewsCybersecurity A Review of Peter Singer & Allan Friedman’s Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know Over the past 20 years, the internet has transformed how governments, militaries, companies and individuals…Craig RuttanApril 30, 2014
CybersecurityVideo Tim Richardson – What is the difference between regular security and cybersecurity? InstituteMarch 16, 2014