Providing intelligence through insight, experience and knowledge

The Mackenzie Institute, an independent think tank since 1986, brings a strategic and pragmatic approach to security matters that affect both domestic and global audiences. The Mackenzie Institute brings together external independent thinking for policymakers, governments, private sector entities, and educational institutions. We propose an open forum for global conversations on the threats and security vulnerabilities we face in order to best advise these various entities.

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Understanding the roots of extremism, exploring topical issues, and best practices for mitigation.

Global Affairs

As the world turns, here’s how it changes and how we can respond.


Moving into an era of technological change and developing best practices.

Climate Change, Migration & Conflict

New challenges for a new generation of global citizens.

National Defence

The changing nature of national defense, diplomacy and asymmetric warfare.

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Building and developing resilient and sustainable communities.

A message from our sponsors

We are living in a time of compromised security. The Hostile World Podcast Series explores a broad spectrum of security matters that are topical and enduring.

The Mackenzie Institute
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Security Matters in our world


Percent of Canadians affected by security breaches on their computer, tablet or phone.


Articles published by The Institute on Canadian security matters.


Percent of global survey respondents who feel Canadians have the most positive global influence.

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