Institute News

Mackenzie Institute GM Addresses The World Conference on Disaster Management

Posted By June 12, 2015 No Comments


The 25th annual World Conference on Disaster Management was held from June 8-11 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The theme was “Managing Complex Disasters: Preparing for the Worst”. The program delivered a global perspective on current and emerging issues with presentations covering practise, research, and innovation in emerging management, business, continuity and crisis management. Notable speakers included Peter Power, managing director of Visor Consultants (UK) Limited, Chris Field, founding director of the Carnegie Institution’s department of global ecology, and Bill Leiss, Canadian scientist for the McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment.

Among those speakers was Andrew Majoran, General Manager of The Mackenzie Institute, who delivered a presentation titled “Wolves Among Us: The Dangers of Lone Wolf Terrorism”. His presentation, enthusiastically received by an audience of 300 academics, professionals, and media personnel, highlighted the domestic threat of lone wolf terrorists to Canada as well as actions taken by governments, organizations, and individuals to reduce this risk. On the second day of the conference Mr. Majoran participated in a panel discussion titled “Terrorism: Threats, Targets, and Taboos” with Michelle Shephard, National Security Reporter for the Toronto Star. The panel was moderated by Peter Power and the focus was a discussion around enhancing our understanding of the growing terrorist threat and exploring what we can do to avoid becoming victims in the future.” Extensive media coverage of both the presentation and panel by news outlets such as the Toronto Sun and CTV highlighted the often understated risk of lone wolf terrorism. In addition, audio clips were broadcast on 680 News and CBC Radio Montreal, complimenting articles featured in multiple media outlets around Canada.